We're selling Christmas trees - 5' Nordmann Spruces at £30 each. If you'd like one bigger or smaller, send us an email (administration@freightlinersfarm.org.uk), and we'll order it for you.
Plus wreaths, made at the Farm, for £5 each.
And Farm Made jams and chutneys, individually priced.
The Farm's Christmas Cards feature 6 unique different designs in one pack, and cost £5.50.
There are 3 ways to buy them this year:
From the Farm
From St Mary's Church, Upper Street, N1 2TX at the Cards for Good Causes shop, until Saturday 14 December. Opening hours are 10am to 4pm.
From https://www.cardsforcharity.co.uk/6-mixed-freightliners-city-farm-charity-christmas-cards.html