We have applied for funding from Tesco for a project “Growing our City Farm” in which we will grow fruits and vegetables with school groups and local children and young people to take home or plant in the garden for visitors to discover and learn about.
To vote, you will need to make a purchase within the store (see below) of any value. You will receive one token per transaction and it's not necessary to purchase a carrier bag in order to receive a token.
The project with the highest number of votes will receive £1,500 (the second placed project £1,000, and the third placed project £500.
These are the stores taking part:
Cally Road Esso Express Express N1 0SL
Islington Express Express N1 8DU
Kings Cross Express Express N1 9DX
St John Clerkenwell Express EC1V 4JD
Highbury Express Express N7 8JP
Newington Green Express Express N16 9BS
Essex Road Islington Express N1 2EB
City Road Express Express EC1Y 1AG
Pentonville Road Express N1 9TT
Chiswell Street Express Express EC1Y 4TY
Clerkenwell Central Street Express EC1V 3AF
New North Road Express Express N1 8SY